Disaster Management - Key Information
The unrest South African experienced from the 9 to 17 July has impacted all South Africans and had a devastating impact on South African Forestry Sector. Hundreds of hectares of forestry land have been lost to deliberately started fires, resulting in millions of Rand worth of losses. Forestry businesses, mills and processing plants have had to shut and some have been vandalised.
Despite this, many individuals and business from across the Sector reached out to help. Setting up patrols, helping with the clean up, directing traffic, distributing food and doing their bit to help. FSA’s Michael Peter, in his role as the industry’s representative, has been in constant communication with the government through the Essential Sectors Forum ensuring forestry’s voice and needs are heard. and keeping the Sector abreast of the latest developments, regulations and emergency status. To ensure critical information is available to the Sector as a whole, we have put together this webpage which will house critical information and links to important documents. We will continuously update this page to keep our members informed. Please contact FSA staff if you should require any assistance or clarity.
Please stay alert, stay safe and stay positive.
UIF assistance to people affected by recent civil unrest
Following the civil unrest during the week of 12 July 2021, members can approach UIF for assistance where workers were placed on reduced or short-time. Please see headings 5 and 6 on page 3 of the attached document for details.
The Easyguide (page 3, heading 6) states that “A letter from the Employer confirming Reduced Work Time is due to the Corona Virus”. A new reference guide has not been published, but please state in the letter that the Reduced Work Time is due to the Civil Unrest.